

How to Choose Plants to Decorate Your Bedroom in a Natural Style

A bedroom decorating trend that’s popular right now is decorating rooms in a natural style by choosing plants to decorate the room. The best way to do embrace this trend is to choose trees that grow well and have a compact size and don’t creep. Having plants in the room helps to purify the air. The presence of plants also creates a lively atmosphere in the bedroom.

India Rubber Fig

The Indian Rubber Fig is a tree that’s very popular right now because it’s easy to raise, it helps trap dust and also purifies the air. Also, it has green leaves with rounded tips, not sharp like other types of leaves. These plants are great for decorating rooms in a minimalist style. The way to care for them is that they don’t require lot of light with moderate watering. Watering these plants once a day is sufficient.

Zanzibar Gem

In addition to being a bedroom decoration tree, it also has an auspicious name. It’s a way to bring wealth into the house, and it’s a tree that helps purify the air. It bleaches toxins, doesn’t like strong sunlight, and can be watered once a week. It can be said that this plant is easy to take care of. Suitable for busy people who don’t have much time to care for plants.

Snake Plant

Many people are probably familiar with the Snake Plant. It’s very popular and can be grown in the bedroom. It’s an herbaceous plant that grows a single leaf. A plant that’s beautiful and helps purify the air. The Snake Plant can be positioned in a variety of positions. Maintenance is very simple. It likes sunlight and shouldn’t be placed in the shade. Water once a week.


An ornamental plant that’s very cute. With this plant you can choose a pot with a rattan pattern or a white pot, and it will go with a minimalist bedroom. These popular plants are popular because they have properties that help purify the air and absorb toxins It likes only a little sun, and can be watered every 2 days, and doesn’t like wet water. We recommend to place it next to a window that has access to sunlight Because it’ll make the tree grow well, flourish and have beautiful leaves.

Sansevieria Stuckyi

A succulent plant that has the ability to purify the air in the home. It has rounded, leaves. It’s a cute plant but may be up to 50 centimeters tall. The care method isn’t difficult, just watering 2-3 times a week is enough. It’s a plant suitable for decorating a room in a natural style because of the bright greenery. Make it lively and not boring. It can be like having a garden in the bedroom. Wake up refreshed and ready to welcome a bright new day.

Golden Pothos

It can be said that this is the most durable and hardy plant for a natural bedroom. It doesn’t die easily and it can be raised both in water and in the soil. Raise them well and they can produce more leaves. However, you’ll need to prune the leaves because it is a climbing plant. It’s a plant suitable for growing to decorate and create dimension in the bedroom. You can even hang the pot and let the leaves fall down.


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